Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Always Lost

Did you know I am "directionally impaired"... I am almost always lost! Fully aware of this affliction I decided to accept an invite to Atlanta because I needed to get away. It was the first time since I became a Mother that I have packed up and left my family behind and that in and of itself was hard enough. Still at the first sight of day, off I went...the wind was bone chilling and traffic was smooth, minus the woman who was going around 90, bopping and weaving through traffic and doing her makeup. I had to wonder if she was trying to be, as they say, casket I took the nearest rest stop to put some safe distance between us. All in all the drive there was not too bad, I enjoyed my visit for more reasons than I can count but soon it was time to head back. I had my directions in hand and I felt sure I would be fine, after all I got there ok. What I didn't consider was, on the way there my husband with the best of intentions, went on the computer while talking to me on the phone and rerouted me, to make the trip easier. Needless to say, I did not make note of the "easier" path, I simply chose to back track using the original directions...big mistake! I went almost 45 minutes out of my way and to add insult to injury, ended up having to maneuver my way through a maze of one way streets just to get back to where I started...I was so angry with myself. I honestly thought that I had finally turned a page in this chapter... I have successfully driven to Florida and back without any real problems so why did this happen now. Then I wondered if it was divine intervention... as the saying goes "no man is an island" could it be I needed to be reminded that as much as I play an important role in my husband and children's lives, they too play just as important a role in mine. For truth be told the children keep me grounded and their Dad always helps me find my way.
Safe travel this holiday season everyone...may you reach your destination and always find your way back home.

December 1, 2010

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