Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I asked a very good friend of mine the other day “ when is it time to say when?” to which he responded... “if you have to ask, it’s now” Needless to say I snickered for a moment but then realized that there was great wisdom in that seemingly simple response. I will readily admit that no two persons will have the same “now” but indeed there comes a time when “when” becomes “now” and one has to let go of what holds them back. It is my belief that when we choose to hold on to what hurts us, bends or breaks us we stand a chance of destroying ourselves. Letting go comes in many forms and though we often believe it to be the letting go of anger or emotions of such sort it can also come in the form of the physical. By that I mean “people” some people can be so bad for our souls and ourselves that we could do no greater thing than to let them go, it amounts to self-preservation. Do not misunderstand that to be holding a grudge or harboring ill-will it is simply what it is. Still such decisions do not come to us lightly and those who may think they do may want to rethink that...after all; letting go of anything or anyone no matter the circumstance is never easy to do but sometimes it simply has to be done.

Deo Volente
May 26, 2009


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you

Deo Volente said...

Patrick - Lucas: Thanks