Monday, May 11, 2009

Truth (thinking out loud)

What does life amount to? The reality of the minutes of our lives is revealed to us only in the passing of the hours. The more they mount the more we see but by then is it simply too late? After all we have no means to turn the hands back and if we did would we be fated by lack of knowledge to repeat that which we have done? I would like to believe that we are as wise as the truth we face, if we choose to face it. Truth comes in our passing hours from the reality of our lost minutes and if we open our eyes to it we will see everything. All our triumphs, our short comings and everything in between. What we do with that realization depends entirely on us.

Deo Volente
May 11, 2009


Errol Emden said...

Deo Volente (if my Latin is still not rusty it means "wish from God") you are certainly a divine revelation in the flesh. Your musings are indeed trenchant and shows a good grasp of spiritualism. I am moved by the depth of understanding espoused in "Truth (thinking aloud)". You have revealed that truth is what we believe as we interpret the sensory impressions on our consciousness. It is not what happens to us that matters, but how we think about what has happened.

Thanks for sharing your insight Keisha. Be well. I am uncle Errol.

Anonymous said...

c'est vrai. Bien pensé !!

Deo Volente said...

Uncle Errol, why you would even doubt that I remember you is beyond me, I have two things to say..."the good little bad little pig and grape nut ice cream :-)" I think of you often. Thank you for the lovely comment.

Deo Volente said...

Patrick - Lucas: merci beaucoup