Monday, February 2, 2009

I abhor

I abhor stupidity,
ignorance and such
Blinded arrogance
amidst fevered rush
The need to spread lies
by whispers and fable
Things that so many
seem perfectly able

I abhor prejudice,
separation and indifference
Faces that linger
behind walls of false pretence
Intolerance, deception
and things of such sort
Actions that blossom
from spineless cavort

For tis in this soil
of fertilized deeds
That hatred will sprout
from its well planted seeds
To grow like a fire
with flames to the wind
Spreading too quickly
for one to rescind
Burning down all that is true
No; these are the things I won’t do.
So tell me friend, how about you?

Deo Volente
February 2, 2009


Anonymous said...

comme toi, j'ai horreur de ce qui est faux.
la bêtise et la stupidité sont les fruits de l'égoïsme et pourrissent les relations humaines dans notre société.
En face des tromperie et des actes de mauvaises foi, il faut avoir le courage de rester optimiste et garder l'espoir que l'amour est plus fort que tout.

(like you, I hate what is false.
stupidity and ignorance are the fruits of selfishness and rotting human relations in our society.
In front of deception and acts of bad faith, we must have the courage to remain optimistic and keep the hope that love is stronger than anything.

Deo Volente said...

Patrick - Lucas: La haine est une forte émotion et je fais de mon mieux pour ne pas le faire, mais ce sont des choses qui me mettent assez proche de la ligne. Néanmoins vous avez raison, nous avons de croire en la bonne inhérente qui existe afin de s'élever au-dessus de tous les négativité.

Patrick - Lucas: Hate is a strong emotion and I do my best not to have it but those are things that bring me rather close to the line. Still you are right we have to believe in the inherent good that exists in order to rise above all the negativity.