Thursday, March 5, 2009


Could it be that life has challenges for a reason?
That love and all the likes change by the seasons
That spring gives birth to life all fresh and true
While summer has its peace and troubles too
Yet fall delights with every change of color
And winter has a numbing sense of power

Is it true that with emotions things are skewed?
That subtle is a meager step from rude
Laughter is the sound within each frown
Praise can be reworded to put down
Love is merely words away from hate
and once exposed it simply is too late

Have you heard that pain comes from emotions hidden?
When heart gives in to mind without much reason
Listening to doubts in fated words
Actions that may sometimes seem absurd
All the little crass and callous thoughts
Inside the whispers said and never caught

Did you know that life’s a circle to be made?
And when the steps aren’t firm they simply fade
Leaving every lesson blurred and complicated
Though every action screams just what it stated
Fear that translates to hesitation
Filling minds with doubts for the duration

Lean closer and I’ll tell you how I feel
One small emotion raw and very real
I love with every fiber of this self
Yet safely tuck my core upon a shelf
For there're far too many layers one must peel
And that my friend is simply how I feel.

Deo Volente
March 5, 2009

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