Thursday, June 2, 2011


I’ve been away I grant you,
distant but not aloof
I know I’ve not been present
with you, by you, in truth
One could say I’ve been lurking
in shadows that were cast
Upon the walls of then and there
constructed in the past
Like whisper on the tip of tongue
from yesterdays before
A ship of thoughts that set a sail
on sea to distant shore

I would say that I’m sorry
but that would not be so
For though I have been missing
I’ve been here, don’t you know
In corners of the moments
made slowly from a walk
In footprints of the silence
where words refuse to talk
Sitting in the stillness
that comes by way of moon
And though you couldn’t see me
you knew I’d be back soon.

So hello to the chatter
that was without my voice
I smile out from this window
with joy by way of choice
I’m here in all my glory
now fresh from distant pause
I thank you so for waiting
till I returned with cause.

Deo Volente
May 31, 2011

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