Sunday, February 9, 2025

I ought to walk out in the rain

 I ought to walk out in the rain is the title of my most recent book of poetry. I have learned (learnt) a lot since the publication of my first book with the most important lesson being. Writers read what they have written not what they wrote. Still, I did it and I am proud of myself for it, not only for publishing but for having the courage to say out loud the things I needed to. I hope whoever reads it will realize that they are not alone, no matter where they are or what they are going through.


AKA Deo Volente


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Gone but not forgotten

 I should begin by saying Happy New Year, it is my deepest wish that it finds you full of hope, surrounded by love and overflowing with blessings. 

Once again, we venture into the arms of a New Year. Uncertain of what the days, weeks or months may bring but willing to put one foot in front of the other. The reasons may vary from person to person but for me it is simple. I do it for those held in my heart, in and out of my time. You may be wondering what I mean by that so let me explain. I believe our loved ones live eternally in our hearts even when their time runs out. And if we are truly blessed, we will live eternally in someone's heart when our time runs out. With that said, there are a few I carry whole heartedly with me who no longer exist within the ticking of my time and a few who, thankfully, still do. After God, they are what matters most to me. For the ones gone, their faces have begun to fade from my memory, but my heart can still see them clearly. For the ones here, every moment counts. I give to them every bit of myself through my laughter, my tears, my courage and my fears. When I stand and when I fall, I carry them with me through it all. They are and shall forever be my greatest blessings; I pray that I am theirs as well.

Do you hold someone in your heart?

I hope you do but more than that, I hope someone holds you in theirs.


AKA Deo Volente
