Saturday, November 16, 2024


 Do you know what the definition of courage is? 

Google defines it as "not deterred by danger or pain; brave. "

In other words, pushing through in spite of doubts and fear.

Do you agree? 

How would you define courage?

A firefighter that runs into a burning house at night to save a sleeping family.

A police officer that steps between a bullet and an innocent bystander.

An abused child that goes to school determined to get an education.

A hard-working employee who sleeps in a car because they have no home.

An abuse victim who runs away.

Did you choose the 1st or the 2nd, what about the 3rd, 4th and 5th?

I think although bravery can manifest in a moment courage requires longevity. 

A determination to blindly continue, never knowing but instead hoping. 

Clinging to that which cannot be seen but hoping that it exists.

Peace after the raging storm, light beyond the darkness, rainbow after the rain.

Do you know what the definition of Faith is?

Google defines faith as " A complete trust or confidence in someone or something"

I think it takes Faith to have Courage. 


AKA Deo Volente


Saturday, January 27, 2024

I am not a fan, well maybe just a little.

 I should start off by saying, Happy New Year. Now that we've gotten that out the way let's get to it. 

I don't know if it's because of those formative years on an island where it was easily 90 degrees in the shade or just age and the bones that come with it, but I can honestly say, I do not like winter. He seems to come with a vengeance of bone chilling air, dreary sky and rain you dare not frolic in. Yet he does have moments that make you smile. Christmas is certainly his finest hour, the lights, the smell, the joy. One cannot deny that if you are blessed to share the holidays with someone you love, it has a way of warming your heart. Snow also has a way of warming the heart, I know that's strange to say but it can be magical and inspiring as long as you don't have to shovel it, drive in it or lose power because of it. I suppose the truth is, everything has an upside, you just have to be willing to see it. It is on that note that I will say this, seek the beauty in everything. I know, it isn't always easy, but I think it's important. It can be so easy to get caught up in the bitter taste of the moment, losing sight of the sweetness that came before it and if we're not careful dismissing the sweetness that comes after. My resolution this year is to laugh as often as I can and allowing myself the grace to stand joyously through both the bitter and the sweet. Afterall life is short, and no one gets to write my story but me, so why not make the best of all of it.

Wishing you warmth in body, mind and soul. 


aka Deo Volente
