Saturday, January 27, 2024

I am not a fan, well maybe just a little.

 I should start off by saying, Happy New Year. Now that we've gotten that out the way let's get to it. 

I don't know if it's because of those formative years on an island where it was easily 90 degrees in the shade or just age and the bones that come with it, but I can honestly say, I do not like winter. He seems to come with a vengeance of bone chilling air, dreary sky and rain you dare not frolic in. Yet he does have moments that make you smile. Christmas is certainly his finest hour, the lights, the smell, the joy. One cannot deny that if you are blessed to share the holidays with someone you love, it has a way of warming your heart. Snow also has a way of warming the heart, I know that's strange to say but it can be magical and inspiring as long as you don't have to shovel it, drive in it or lose power because of it. I suppose the truth is, everything has an upside, you just have to be willing to see it. It is on that note that I will say this, seek the beauty in everything. I know, it isn't always easy, but I think it's important. It can be so easy to get caught up in the bitter taste of the moment, losing sight of the sweetness that came before it and if we're not careful dismissing the sweetness that comes after. My resolution this year is to laugh as often as I can and allowing myself the grace to stand joyously through both the bitter and the sweet. Afterall life is short, and no one gets to write my story but me, so why not make the best of all of it.

Wishing you warmth in body, mind and soul. 


aka Deo Volente


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Friendship - It does matter.

 In a world of virtual friendships, I wonder if we know what true friendship looks like. 

The other day I felt out of sorts and being a woman of a certain age, that isn't all that uncommon :) Nevertheless, I muddled through as best I could until I simply couldn't and in a moment of clarity, I texted a friend. This friend said "call me" then sat on the phone for over 2 hours with me just shooting the breeze, but they were not done. The following morning my friend came to visit just to check in. The entire situation got me thinking, so I asked myself the following...

On the list of those I call friends, how many would drop everything to be there if I needed them?

And on the list of those I call friends, how many would I drop everything for, to be there if they needed me?

We have to be realistic right, dropping everything is easier said than done. Still, do people today bother to take the time to be there for someone else? Not to gain something or to be nosey but simply because they care. I honestly believe that this is the sign of friendship, not likes, followers or tweets but being present, sharing time, thoughts, moments, listening with intent and purpose. 

If you know me, you know that this was merely the beginning, so needless to say I asked myself another question... 

Could the alternative be a selfish distant cousin to friendship? 

Let me expand on that.

Though I believe that true friendship can be found in any environment be it professional, social or personal and can as a result be a catalyst for growth. More often than not people today align themselves with others merely to reap the benefit. Not because they care about the individual but rather because they see them as a connection that can be utilized to climb the perpetual ladders of our selfie world.

What I concluded is this: 

I am blessed to have a Friend! The fact is I have more than one but in a world such as we live in today, one is all you truly need. 

That said, my advice to you is this. You may be the one for someone else so even if you don't get a text, remember that your friendship makes a difference. So be sure to listen, be present, share your time, thoughts, moments and most importantly, do it all with purpose and intent. If we're lucky it may become the next big thing. 


aka Deo Volente


Reflection of grief.

 I find that I am weary

this day so bright yet dreary

has crept into my soul with sigh

drowning hope with burning cry

a scream to echo, why!

But this is not a question friend

it is I fear the woe of end

that wraps around in tune

with tears to follow soon.

Where darkness keeps the light at bay

and what should be, now dare I say

eludes the bleeding heart

miles and miles apart.

I kiss the night with every hope 

and pray that on this wretched rope 

my faith will not run dry

until the day I die.

So as I look up at each star

I wonder friend, which one you are, 

for you were like no other ...

I love you still, my brother. 


aka Deo Volente

August 12, 2023.

Saturday, October 15, 2022


There are moments when the darkness finds,

shadows deep within the lines,

as color that was, simply fades away,

moments when the world just turns to gray.


When marvel is no longer thine,

and seconds weave deep into time,

mercilessly keeping joy at bay,

moments when the devil comes to play.

At least that’s what the darkness cries,

as it creeps and folds and binds,

shattering the peace you thought you knew,

then sunshine calmly burns his way on through.


I love you son, my sun, I really do!


aka Deo Volente

October 15, 2022

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Alive and kicking :)

Yes I am in many ways still myself today
Woman, Mother, Wife and Child...

I have faltered, I have stood
I have done the best I could
In every aspect on my weary road
I have trudged on with my often heavy load

Yet he stands beside me sound
I know that in him peace is found
no matter how the weather turns the sky
upon his wings I know that I can fly

I can soar to height unknown
certain I am not alone
for he who made me
chose to love me still
not one second, is without his will

and though sometimes I may stray
going off this narrow way
I have no doubt he waits for my return
confident that in my faults I'll learn

So I stand with peace of heart
knowing we are not apart
filled with love that man cannot provide...
Faith is an extraordinary ride.

aka Deo Volente

Saturday, November 21, 2015

ShiningALight...well worth the watch.

The song that I liked most in this concert was “if I could kill a word” …imagine for one moment that we could wipe the word hate from the face of the Earth and with it the feeling. Imagine that we could be as children are before they become tainted by the world around them.  No matter what side of the coin you are on, it is imperative that we begin to see and hear each other. Time is ticking and the longer we as humans fail to be more than what divides us, the greater our divide will become. I firmly believe there is no harm in treating others the way we wish to be treated. After all if we are true to ourselves we cannot deny that we merely wish to be treated with fairness and respect.

aka D.V.

November 21, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

To France...

Again I sit in silence aware
again I am shaken as I shed a tear
each for the broken as well as the lost
for anger has surfaced and dreadful the cost

Again I am wounded by actions of hate
staring in silence, hours too late
baffled by what has become common place
what's happen to our human race?

We seek out our difference and never our same
we shatter our beauty and deflect our blame
love is no loner the state that we seek
our hatred has risen to its highest peek

Again I am down on my knee
worried by what will be
tomorrow is screaming today
with flowers and candles we pay

Again I am praying with all of my heart
that though we are plenty and oceans apart
we'll seek you oh Lord in our pain
and you will restore us again.

Deo Volente
