Saturday, January 18, 2014



A fool among the scholars,
not self-assured or wise.
Caught amidst skyscrapers,
useless in their eyes.

My footsteps are my virtue,
with heart upon my sleeve.
I question ever softly,
the truth that they believe.

My thought a whispered question,
I simply do not share
and even if I dared to,
I doubt that they would care.

I have no trophy mounted,
no title starts my name.
My bank account is meager,
I have no claim to fame.

These things are mine to ponder,
as on my path I go,
groping in a city,
surrounded by the know.

The mighty and the honored,
the titled and the great…
but if we all rode horses,
who then would hold the gate.

Deo Volente
January 18, 2014